Activities and Meetings


The society meets every second Tuesday of each month (except January) at the Mount Waverley Community Centre, Youth Centre Hall, Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley (Melway reference 61/D12 and 70/D1). The hall is off Stephensons Road and is next to the Library – access is via the back entrance to the hall (through the library carpark off Wadham Parade, or the Community Centre carpark off Holskamp St).

The Hall is open from 7:15pm and meetings start at 8pm. Members or anyone interested to see what the club is all about can join us for a cup of coffee and a chat before the meeting (usually from 7:30pm). After the meeting, a basket supper is provided (plates of easy-to-handle finger foods are brought in by members to share with others) which gives everyone the opportunity to mingle and chat. The evening usually wraps up around 10.00pm.


Cym School

Starting at 7:15pm before most monthly meetings there is a Cymbidium tutorial session. This is run by experienced members for those wishing to learn more about growing Cymbidiums. As of 2018, Gordon Young and Denis Oliver have volunteered their time to run the Cymschool.


Guest Speakers and Cultural Talks

We have as many guest speakers as is possible throughout the year to come and talk to us about Cymbidiums and who often bring plants for sale — an added bonus to an evening of stimulating information. In addition, we have a cultural segment during each meeting that is a good-natured and informative general discussion with plenty of excellent advice from our most experienced growers.


Competitions and Judging

The club holds a growing competition for members so that the year's nominated young plants can be assessed for their successful progress each month. For those interested in competitions, there are many formal shows held a various venues during each year (including our own Summer Cymbidium Show in November) to participate in with generous prize money and awards to be won.

There is also an interesting commentary each month about any plants that have been brought in for judging and prizes are awarded for the monthly competition winners.

Cym. suave ‘Saige’ grown by Henk and Margje Morren and Champion of the 2019 Summer Cymbidium Show.


Members’ Newsletter and Trips

We have a monthly newsletter to keep everyone informed of important dates, events, or any supplies that may be available from time to time.

Visits to other growers' shade houses are arranged now and then during the flowering season and these occasions are a great way to acquire that "special" plant as well have a great deal of fun.


Annual Events

July is our annual members auction, where members are encouraged to bring in plants from their collections to be auctioned off. This not only helps raise funds for the society, but it also gives members the opportunity to obtain plants they might not be otherwise able to access.

Our big event for the year is our annual show, normally held in September. The News and Events will be updated when details are confirmed each year (these will also be published in the members' newsletter).