Meetings Finally Resume

We are now able to hold our first meeting for 2021! It will be on Tuesday the 9th of March. Due to the COVID restrictions in place by Monash Halls, there are some rules that we need to follow:

  1. Masks must be worn at all times.

  2. Tea and coffee only; no food.

  3. Hand sanitizer to be available.

  4. Only one person per 2 square metres, except where family members are sitting together.

  5. You must register your attendance at the door, which will be completed by a committee member. We will require your name and contact number.

  6. We are limited to 3 hours in the Hall.

  7. We will be using the back door only.

  8. If you are unwell, do not attend - please stay at home.

Thanks and we hope to see you soon!


June Meeting Cancelled


2020 Melbourne Orchid Spectacular Cancelled